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May 5, 2023

S4E78 - How To Navigate When Your Train Has Stalled (with Lolita E. Walker)

S4E78 - How To Navigate When Your Train Has Stalled (with Lolita E. Walker)

This episode is one you don't want to miss.  Have you ever felt that your train of work, life, or home has ever stalled right there on the railroad track to progression?  I know I have!  Join Lolita and a live audience for a juicy episode of Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations, where she leaves you with four strategies to get up and moving again...with a renewed vigor!

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Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations:  The Podcast with Lolita E. Walker

In this episode:

  • Minute 0.12 - Welcome to CC&C
  • Minute 0.40 - Imagine with Lolita
  • Minute 1.05 - Navigating further when your train stalls on the tracks
  • Minute 1.25 - Who is Lolita E. Walker and Cheers to those watching and listening live
  • Minute 2.28 - How this topic came about
  • Minute 4.16 - Remain CALM
  • Minute 5.34 - Dr. Janie's Journey
  • Minute 6.05 - Collect info on what you know - what is true
  • Minute 7.58 - Assess what and who is at your disposal
  • Minute 9.35 - Obstructions that may be in your way
  • Minute 10.15 - What are the obstructions in the way?
  • Minute 12.05 - Discussion with your future self
  • Minute 13.10 - Let go of what may be keepying you stalled
  • Minute 17.52 - Linked in reference to help you keep moving
  • Minute 18.40 - It may be only a seson
  • Minute 20.52 - Recap of soul work
  • Minute 22.31 - Recap of strategies
  • Minute 23.00 - Move
  • Minute 23.48 - Live conversations with Audience discussion
  • Minute 25.19 - You are invited
  • Minute 26.13 - Seeing growth right before your eyes
  • Minute 29.07 - Head to to leave your comments under the thumbnail design of "CALM"

Stay connected with Lolita




Please don't forget to leave a 5-star review, IF you gained anything from this episode.  I'd love to read it during the cocktails portion of the upcoming episode. AND, Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your journey,

Lolita E. Walker of
