How do your fears translate into how you show up at work and life? What if you could shift the lenses of life to offer you a new perspective each time you faced fear? Novel idea right?! I knooowwwwww! On this episode, Jamie Alexis-Fowler, of Empower Work, is joining Lolita Walker at the kitchen table for some good-ole-fashioned conversations on what you can do today to begin to shift your perspective on fear!
Here's the rundown:
Today's affirmation is "I am a shifter of perspective so that I may shape and reshape my lens on life."
Stay Connected:
Please don't forget to leave a 5-star review, IF you gained anything from this episode. I'd love to read it during the cocktails portion of the upcoming episode. AND, Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your journey,
Lolita E. Walker of lolitawalker.com