In this episode, Lolita takes you on a journey through the metaphor of the season---Lighting a Grill! There's a lesson somewhere in everything we do! Lolita leaves you with 10 strategies to help you to simply soar! Do you know, trust, and believe that it is your season to LIGHT IT UP! Join Lolita for a bit of coaching, cocktails, & conversations! Grab your CC&C notebook and let's get into it.
In this episode:
Minute 0.07: Welcome to CC&C
Minute 0.50: Episode Overview - 10 strategies to LIGHT YOUR LIFE UP!
Minute 3.00: Arrange the Coals: Planning
Minute 5.16: Light the Grill: Take Action and Implement Plans
Minute 7.38: Wait for the Coals to Turn White: Patience then Persistence
Minute 9.34: Placing the Grates: The Setup of Boundaries
Minute 13.59: Strategic Placement of Food: Adapatability
Minute 17.35: Covering of Food: Balancing risk, safety and Mindset
Minute 19.28: Flipping Your Food: Adjusting Your Strategy
Minute 21.58: Self Assessment: Evaluation
Minute 23.23: Plating Your Food: Celebrating You
Minute 25.23: Cooling Down: Reflection
Minute 26.06: Thanks so much and let's stay connected
Stay Connected:
In this episode, Lolita takes you on a journey through the metaphor of the season---Lighting a Grill! There's a lesson somewhere in everything we do! Lolita leaves you with 10 strategies to help you to simply soar! Do you know, trust, and believe that it is your season to LIGHT IT UP! Join Lolita for a bit of coaching, cocktails, & conversations! Grab your CC&C notebook and let's get into it.
In this episode:
Stay Connected:
Please don't forget to leave a 5-star review, IF you gained anything from this episode. I'd love to read it during the cocktails portion of the upcoming episode. AND, Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your journey,
Lolita E. Walker of lolitawalker.com