"If I'm smart enought to learn calculus, I'm smart enough to start a business." Those are the words from guest, Ms. D'Shawn Russell, owner of Southern Elegance Candle Company and very first sponsor of my podcast! WOOHOOO! This is one of those episodes where you leave PUMPED UP! It's a "let me do something different today type of episode," with energy, nuggets, laughs, vulnerability, relatability, & even moments you find yourself saying YES! If you've ever felt stuck in complacency, lost with no direction, felt celebrating wins were showboating or bragging, that folks may be weighing you down, THIS IS FOR YOU! Most of us have been there, thus none of us are alone! As a matter of fact, my hand is raised too. D'Shawn takes us through her journey of being a math teacher turned profitable business owner, & more by simply GETTING CLEAR!
Yep..... Listen in and set your intention for this fun and fab episode with our powerful affirmation, "I am worthy. I am enough. I am the greatness others have yet to see." You can grab your 40-card affirmation deck at https://www.lolitawalker.com/shop.
The flow:
We shift into our intro (minute 1:21) and hear from our sponsor, Southern Elegance Candle Company (with a special promo code (minute 5:37), and quickly jump into our first layer of coaching (minute 6:41). Today's soul work (minute 8:48) focuses on the imagery of the most beautiful train you have ever experienced...AND YOU ARE THE CONDUCTOR! We talk everything from where you are going to how you can let folks on and off of your train. We celebrate cocktails (minute 16:10) with a number of cheers to each of you! A special shout out and cheers to Kanika, the CC&C Zoom Cast participant, who has been on each and every episode and announce her "Hey Soror" greeting cards, and even have a mini pop-in for a cheers with my, 8-year old son, Walker. We then get into some good-ole fashioned conversations (minute 19:28) with D'Shawn who drops some fire nuggets and has us in stitches at the same time.
You leave with thinking differently on how you can now get a little more clear and reroute you and your story! You are at the controls of this train....your train.
Our episode sponsor is The Southern Elegance Company (https://www.secandleco.com) and they are gifting us a 20% off discount by using the code "kitchentable" at checkout for a single purchase. It's a perfect time to grab your candles for the holidays!
Mentioned in this episode:
Other links worth listening in on:
Please don't forget to leave a 5-star review, IF you gained anything from this episode. I'd love to read it during the cocktails portion of the upcoming episode. AND, Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your journey,
Lolita E. Walker of lolitawalker.com