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Leadership Episodes

July 19, 2024

What if You Chose to Break the Cycle?

What if you chose to break the cycle?  Listen in as we leap from complacency and into our greatest selves!  Are you ready?  Hop aboard Lolita's Change Train and let's have a bit of reflective fun!

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May 5, 2023

S4E78 - How To Navigate When Your Train Has Stalled (with Lolita E. W…

This episode is one you don't want to miss.  Have you ever felt that your train of work, life, or home has ever stalled right there on the railroad track to progression?  I know I have!  Join Lolita and a live audience for a juicy episode of Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations, where she leaves you…

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Feb. 26, 2023

S3E70 - How 5 Public Speaking Strategies Can Uplevel Your Life

What is Glassophobia?  If one out of four people suffer from it, you could be the one! This episode is all about public speaking tips that will change your life, TODAY! Grab your CC&C Journal here and grab 5 strategies that will uplevel your public speaking - guaranteed. Let's uplevel, together.

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July 27, 2022

S3E63 - How to Be the Version of the Best Friend You Want, Need & Des…

In this episode, Lolita leaves everything on the table with a single question - Are you the best friend that you want, need & deserve?  What if the question was, Are you the best friend TO YOU that you want, need & deserve? Hmmm, would the answer change?

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June 22, 2022

S3E59 - How to Become an inFLOWential CEO (with Stacy Raske)

This episode is for all of my purpose-driven trailblazers.  Do we suffer, while still holding a badge of honor?  or Do youflow with the expectation to lead with integrity, power and being?  Meet Stacy Raske, speaker, author, podcaster, Iraq veteran, inFLOWential activator, and TV peresonality, Stac…

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Nov. 17, 2021

S2E43 - BONUS - Dear Yesterday (An Original Poem by Lolita E. Walker)

In this special bonus episode, Lolita shares a soon-to-be published, original poem called "Dear Yesterday."  Written with the goal to acknowledge our past, sit in our today and look toward our future, this powerful spoken-word poetry is worth the listen.  Did you know that other spoken-word pieces …

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Nov. 10, 2021

S2E42 - How to Maintain Presence in a Diverse, Equitable, & Inclusive…

Dr. Tina Opie is a powerhouse, who brings nothing short of a dynamic conversation, to this episode of Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations.  She a strategic management and organizational behavior expert, an award-winning researcher, consultant and Associate Professor of Management at Babson College,…

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April 28, 2021

S2E28 -I am the Master of My Fate. I am The Captain of My Soul. (wit…

What a powerful episode!  Dr. Khalek Kirkland, Principal of THE Boys Prep in the Bronx, NY, is ON FIRE, as he talks everything from the power of connection to several ways to tap into our Black and Brown boy scholars differently and intently within the educational arena.  During conversations, we …

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