Imagine being born to immigrants, being a 1st generation American, having a largely successful career, launching your own law practice and BOOM- Federal Prison! Who hasn't experienced pain? Whether physical, emotional, mental and more, we each have a pain-story, even you.
On this episode, I've invited Rashmi Airan to share her story and to gift us with tangibles of how we can begin to turn our pain to purpose TODAY!
We talk takeaways from her experience, learnings from prison, lessons for and from children and so much more. Grab your pen and pad because we are digging deep in this episode, Change Agents.
Here's what you can expect:
Other useful links:
Please don't forget to leave a 5-star review, IF you gained anything from this episode. I'd love to read it during the cocktails portion of the upcoming episode. AND, Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your journey,
Lolita E. Walker of lolitawalker.com