How often do we allow our limiting beliefs and those crazy negative talks in our head shut us down and make a u-turn on our journey's? How often do we sit in the comfort of complacency because it is easiest and most familiar to us? Well, in episode #10, I'm gifting you a pause and taking you through how to write your own "Journey Story." You are invited to listen in...and then meet me on the virtual dance floor because....I'm celebrating my #smallwin of hitting 10 podcast episodes AND 1K listens for a single episode....yep! If you don't celebrate, who will? I'll see you there!
Whether a person, a circumstance, or a situation, we are not defined by either. This episode is a reminder from me to you! It is a reminder that your journey is yours alone and.....the best part about it is that you have the authority to write it, make a u-turn, should you choose, own it, and then you also hold the permission slips to give only to those who you deem worth to help you walk, run, or climb your journey....YOUR WAY! Today, we start the process of writing you journey! Are you ready?
In this episode's coaching, the soul-work is mapping a path that has one or a few junctions along the journey, then identifying and facing fear head on. I use Stop 1 in my book, The Intersection of You & Change (https://www.lolitawalker.com/the-book), pages 12 and 13) as a reference for consideration in framing your thoughs around your journey. In cocktails, we give a cheers to our small wins and the nuggets that you pulled away and then in conversations, I answer some questions that you have sent in.
Sidenote: Y'all are HILARIOUS!!!! Do I write all of the exercises and really do them with you? What has been the toughest part of my business journey? Hmmm, they are good questions, but y'all really keep me in stitches. I think I laughed most of the episode.
The affirmation that kicks us off is I am grounded in my values and principles and will only shift to soar further and farther along my journey. I welcome each of you (minute 1:45), gift a bit of coaching (minute 3:43) and soul-work (minute 9:50), celebrate your takeaways and highlight the greatness you are during cocktails (minute 24:26) then conversations (minute 26:05) , which is where I answer a few of your questions, laugh a bit, and challenge you to answer them as well. Grab your CC&C journal and #letsgo.
**Don't forget to subscribe AND leave a glowing, 5-star review, IF it resonated with you!**
Links referenced during the episode:
Other links worth referencing:
Please don't forget to leave a 5-star review, IF you gained anything from this episode. I'd love to read it during the cocktails portion of the upcoming episode. AND, Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your journey,
Lolita E. Walker of lolitawalker.com