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Speaker Episodes

June 22, 2022

S3E59 - How to Become an inFLOWential CEO (with Stacy Raske)

This episode is for all of my purpose-driven trailblazers.  Do we suffer, while still holding a badge of honor?  or Do youflow with the expectation to lead with integrity, power and being?  Meet Stacy Raske, speaker, author, podcaster, Iraq veteran, inFLOWential activator, and TV peresonality, Stac…

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March 16, 2022

S3E54 - How to Amplify the Power of Your Voice with Quinn Conyers

Quinn Conyers joins me today and raises the roof when it comes to the power of amplification.  She is a power speaker and prides herself on transforming average experiences into epic events as an Emcee.  She broadasts the brilliance of Black Women in business and leaves nothing short of power aroun…

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Nov. 17, 2021

S2E43 - BONUS - Dear Yesterday (An Original Poem by Lolita E. Walker)

In this special bonus episode, Lolita shares a soon-to-be published, original poem called "Dear Yesterday."  Written with the goal to acknowledge our past, sit in our today and look toward our future, this powerful spoken-word poetry is worth the listen.  Did you know that other spoken-word pieces …

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