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Episode 7 trailer of Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations Podcast

“This is who you are. This is what you deserve! Step into your light!” Whew!!! Come on with those power nuggets that a few of us need to hear!! Sometimes reminders come right when you need them! On Episode #7 of my #podcast , #coachingcocktailsconversations , I am too excited to welcome @ingridsclay to the kitchen-table for some good ole fashioned conversations. Engineer by trade, actress by skill, and fitness trainer and plant-based chef by choice and passion, to name a few, Ingrid and I are talking, “Rebounding with Resilience.” Now you know that’s a word for someone!

Lemmie ask you this. Have you ever been in a valley and found yourself sitting there holding onto bags that were heavy and not packed with anything to help move you forward? How long have you been blocking yourself from the blessings of positivity waiting to release the guilt and doubt that have you stuck in that place? Wait, are you still in that valley? Would you say that you are able to rebound with resilience? Or are you still sitting at that same “bus stop” where life is passing you by? I know I have been there long will you stay seated as the cars and busses of help and progression pass you by?

Well, we are digging deep and still having a few laughs, as we talk vulnerable moments, then leave you with a few strategies on how you can rebound with resilience! Whether work, life, or home, there is something here that you definitely don’t want to miss. It’s time to get up and get moving and this episode will help shift you forward. If you want to catch up on past power episodes, you can binge at or click on my bio link! It will be great to have you pull up a seat, as we grab some #coaching #cocktails and #conversations with Ingrid and myself on this Wednesday!

See you there.
#walkernwalkerchange and #iscwellness