10 Min Power Pow Wow: Speaking with Clarity, Confidence & Commitment
I was asked today about my journey to TEDx and tips and tricks around speaking with clarity. Let's chat. I'd love to hear from you.
I was asked today about my journey to TEDx and tips and tricks around speaking with clarity. Let's chat. I'd love to hear from you.
Do you have limiting thoughts that cloud your mind on occasion? I know I do. Today's power pow wow is about how to reframe these thoughts and to walk with increased clarity, confidence and commitment
It's International Coaching Week!! Good morning, Good night, Good evening! Who is your favorite coach and why? What exactly is a coach and why is coaching valueable?
A new CC&C Tablemate just joined my private FB Group - Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations and in her intake questionnaire, asked that I chat about "Living from Heartbreak." Here's the thing. We have each been here, I know I have. Heartbreak can have an impact on your work, home and…
Lean into your strengths. You've heard me say that before but today's question is which of your strengths are you underutilizing and how can you help it back to the forefront, particularly when you feel that it has been forgotten? This is a question a client asked and I'm happy…
Can We Talk? Let's chat The Impact - Your Impact. I had an experience yesterday that was AMAZING. Sometimes you say yes and simply flow to receive the blessings but to also give blessings. I can't wait to speak with you about it!
Are the successes of your yesterday keeping you in complacency? I shared six considerations to lean in earlier today and I'd love to share them with you. What if you chose to LEAN IN? Imagine the amazingness that will result. Claim it now!
Why do we take so long to give ourselves permission to pause. What in your life is so amazingly critical that it takes away from you leaning into you?
I'd love to share my method for setting goals and driving accountability and cannot wait to hear yours. Let's have a bit of coaching, cocktails & conversations. Learn more of my CC&C's at https://www.lolitawalker.com/coachingcocktailsconversations
What if you are the problem? What are you going to do about it? Let's chat for 10 min in a power power wow today at 12:30p EST
What if you knew that YOU were made for this moment right here? Would you walk, talk & behave differently? Let's have a bit of coaching, cocktails & conversations with Lolita E. Walker
Today, we are talking HOW TO BECOME A MORE POWERFUL PROFESSIONAL THROUGH MARKETING & SALES and I'm so excited to bring you the greatness of Kim Walsh Phillips. This is one you don't want to miss. Can't wait for you to tap in live.
Welcome to Walker’s Window: A Deeper Look Into Candidate for PGCPS District 9, BOE Rep.
Meet David Spisak, American Entrepreneur, Investor, Automotive Consultant, & Podcast Host of The David Spisak Show. If I told you this was time #3 of me interviewing David, would you believe me? #letschat
Intentions. Assessments. Celebrations. How do you set intentions for your week, assess your progress, and how do you celebrate your wins? Let's have some coaching, cocktails & conversations
This morning, I chatted with a live audience on this exact topic. There was so much audience input tha I'd love to bring it each of you. I'll leave you with four considerations on how you can begin to GROW your seeds to get what you need.
The question for today is can inconsistency breed results? hmmm. Let's engage in a bit of coaching, cocktails & conversations - bring a friend or two or three.
Let's talk navigating adversity - what does that look like for you?
Free Yourself! Today, in this 10 Minute Power Pow Wow, we are tapping into 5 considerations of how to do just that. Are you ready?
Our day 5 of our 10 min- power pow wow and I'm so excited to engage with you on the topic of Reclaiming a Bolder You. What does that mean? How can you achieve it?
How are you making impact? Today's 10-Min Pow Wow will remind us of our discussion on lean in in and leveraging the power of your gifts.
How do we start over in our 40's and 50's? How do we start over when your life feels as though it is turned upside down, when you become an empty nester, when you change careers, when you feel stagnant and know that there is more but seem to not…