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June 9, 2022

S3E58 - How to Become a More Powerful Professional Through Sales & Marketing (with Kim Walsh Phillips)

S3E58 - How to Become a More Powerful Professional Through Sales & Marketing (with Kim Walsh Phillips)

This week, we have power speaker, author, business owner, marketing and sales guru, Kim Walsh Phillips, who grew her community from 32 followers to over 11K in less than 1 year. In this episode, we talk power, influence, marketing and the pitfalls of sales.
Lean in, as we leave you with nuggets to challenge your thinking, celebrate the greatness of who you are and then have juicy conversations with you and my facebook, LI and Youtube communities. Come on in the room and let's connect with Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations with Lolita E. Walker.
The Breakdown:

Minute 0.26 - Welcome
Minute 0.54 - Introduction of Kim Walsh Phillips
Minute 1.06 - Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations - The Overview
Minute 7.05 - Who is Kim's Ideal client + Associated myths
Minute 9.35 - Making More Time for You
Minute 11.08 - Lolita gives 5 Considerations on how to Lean into Your POWER
Minute 20.36 - Imposter Syndrome
Minute 23.14 - Car Salesman Sales Tactics
Minute 23.58 - The M.O.M. Model
Minute 31.50 - Invitation to Power You Differently & Intently
Minute 32.39 - Thank You

Stay Connected to Kim Walsh Phillips - 

Stay Connected to Lolita E. Walker -

Be sure to tap into other aspects of Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations!  and be sure to leave your 5 star review!  Can't wait to connect.

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Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations:  The Podcast with Lolita E. Walker

This week, we have power speaker, author, business owner, marketing and sales guru, Kim Walsh Phillips, who grew her community from 32 followers to over 11K in less than 1 year. In this episode, we talk power, influence, marketing and the pitfalls of sales.

Lean in, as we leave you with nuggets to challenge your thinking, celebrate the greatness of who you are and then have juicy conversations with you and my facebook, LI and Youtube communities. Come on in the room and let's connect with Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations with Lolita E. Walker.

The Breakdown:

  • Minute 0.26 - Welcome
  • Minute 0.54 - Introduction of Kim Walsh Phillips
  • Minute 1.06 - Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations - The Overview
  • Minute 7.05 - Who is Kim's Ideal client + Associated myths
  • Minute 9.35 - Making More Time for You
  • Minute 11.08 - Lolita gives 5 Considerations on how to Lean into Your POWER
  • Minute 20.36 - Imposter Syndrome
  • Minute 23.14 - Car Salesman Sales Tactics
  • Minute 23.58 - The M.O.M. Model
  • Minute 31.50 - Invitation to Power You Differently & Intently
  • Minute 32.39 - Thank You

Stay Connected to Kim Walsh Phillips - 

Stay Connected to Lolita E. Walker - 

Be sure to tap into other aspects of Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations!  and be sure to leave your 5 star review!  Can't wait to connect.



Please don't forget to leave a 5-star review, IF you gained anything from this episode.  I'd love to read it during the cocktails portion of the upcoming episode. AND, Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your journey,

Lolita E. Walker of