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Feb. 26, 2023

S3E70 - How 5 Public Speaking Strategies Can Uplevel Your Life

S3E70 - How 5 Public Speaking Strategies Can Uplevel Your Life

What is Glassophobia?  If one out of four people suffer from it, you could be the one! This episode is all about public speaking tips that will change your life, TODAY!

Grab your CC&C Journal here and grab 5 strategies that will uplevel your public speaking - guaranteed. Let's uplevel, together.

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Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations:  The Podcast with Lolita E. Walker

In this episode, you are invited to join Lolita around her kitchen table for a conversation that will shift you.  Here's what you can expect:

  • Minute 0.33:  Hello and topic reveal
  • Minute 1.08:  Shout Outs to those who joined me live
  • Minute 1.34:  What is glassophobia?
  • Minute 2.04:  Who is Lolita E. Walker
  • Minute 3.03:  Staying in your expertise
  • Minute 4.58:  Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance
  • Minute 7.07:  Eneergize and engage enthusiastically
  • Minute 8.11:  Adding a piece of you
  • Minute 10.15:  Keep breathing
  • Minute 11.35:  Invitation to my September, All inclusive renewal retreat - click here
  • Minute 13.52:  The time I forgot my thoughts while speaking live on stage
  • Minute 15.00:  What is the impact of public speaking?
  • Minute 15.40:  You are invited to Group Coaching with Lolita E. Walker
  • Minute 17.11:  Reengaging the live audience and reiterating the 5 strategies
  • Minute 20.13:  One of my Public speaking weaknesses
  • Minute 21.33:  Dear Anxiousness from "Can We Talk," by Lolita E. Walker
  • Minute 23.46:  Breaking down the poem

Stay Connected to Lolita





Please don't forget to leave a 5-star review, IF you gained anything from this episode.  I'd love to read it during the cocktails portion of the upcoming episode. AND, Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your journey,

Lolita E. Walker of