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Poetry Episodes

Nov. 17, 2021

S2E43 - BONUS - Dear Yesterday (An Original Poem by Lolita E. Walker)

In this special bonus episode, Lolita shares a soon-to-be published, original poem called "Dear Yesterday."  Written with the goal to acknowledge our past, sit in our today and look toward our future, this powerful spoken-word poetry is worth the listen.  Did you know that other spoken-word pieces …

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May 27, 2021

S2E30 - How Your Spoken Words Can Speak Beyond Your Words (with David…

David Bianchi,  poet, actor, philanthropist, just to name a few, joins us on this episode to talk everything from making history in the NFT space, as the first spoken word performance poet to create an NFT.  Unfamiliar with what an NFT is and how powerful of a currency it is?  No worries, he shares…

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