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Personal Brand Episodes

May 4, 2022

S3E56 - How to Be A Celebrity CEO by Building Your Personal Brand wit…

Ramon Ray, power entrepreneur, small business magician and expert, entertainer, and keynote speaker joins Lolita and her audience to talk how to be the Celebrity CEO of your personal and professional brands.  So what is a "celebrity CEO" and how do you become one?  Great question.  Not only is it…

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June 9, 2021

S2E31 - How To Craft The Story Behind You & Your Brand (with Dhomoniq…

Dhomonique Murphy, a Media Master, 3x Emmy Award Winning Journalist, Serial Entrepreneur, Mommy and Wife, is joining Lolita on this episode, for a power packed segment to help craft the story behind you and your brand. Questions:  Do you consider yourself a brand? How would you shape the stories…

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