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Lolita Walker Episodes

May 18, 2022

S3E57 - How to Use Your Uncommon to Power You (with David Spisak)

"We all have the ability to make someon's life better and to serve." This was only one of the quotes from David Spisak in this episode of how to use your uncommon to power you.   Have you ever felt uncommon but leaned more into the common to power you?  David challenges that theory, as he talks …

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May 4, 2022

S3E56 - How to Be A Celebrity CEO by Building Your Personal Brand wit…

Ramon Ray, power entrepreneur, small business magician and expert, entertainer, and keynote speaker joins Lolita and her audience to talk how to be the Celebrity CEO of your personal and professional brands.  So what is a "celebrity CEO" and how do you become one?  Great question.  Not only is it…

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