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Honesty Episodes

July 19, 2024

What if You Chose to Break the Cycle?

What if you chose to break the cycle?  Listen in as we leap from complacency and into our greatest selves!  Are you ready?  Hop aboard Lolita's Change Train and let's have a bit of reflective fun!

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May 5, 2023

S4E78 - How To Navigate When Your Train Has Stalled (with Lolita E. W…

This episode is one you don't want to miss.  Have you ever felt that your train of work, life, or home has ever stalled right there on the railroad track to progression?  I know I have!  Join Lolita and a live audience for a juicy episode of Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations, where she leaves you…

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May 12, 2021

S2E29 - Inside the Men's Den: Risk, Relationships, Reward (with Dr. J…

It's something about these Phenomenal, Die-Hard Morgan State University Grads!  In this episode, we uncover what really happens in the Men's Den? I'm chatting with four of my super-amazing men friends, sharing laughs and we are chatting everything from affirming our children and the power of affirm…

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